Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Evpatoria Report - Golevka

Despite their label of post-rock, The Evpatoria Report is a genre-crossing band that mixes the elements of post-rock with modern classical in an almost cinematic manner, with epic sweeping songs. The shortest song on the album is 8:34...

Above all, Golevka is an album that needs attention, which can be both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because if you give this album the time that it deserves, a world of music becomes apparent, and one of the most stunning aural experiences can be had with just a good pair of headphones and closed eyes. A curse because the album doesn’t allow for a quick listen in between a task, or putting on a song in the background whilst performing other tasks. The attention it demands is simply too great.

Don’t get me wrong, the songs are phenomenal, each song tells a story. Instead of trying to cram an entire story in a 3 minute radio song, they’re all given the time they need, to grow and mature in each individual song. That brings me to another slight downfall, unfortunately, and that’s that this album doesn’t flow. Each song in itself feels like an album, whereas they should feel like individual chapters of an all-encompassing book. Thankfully this doesn’t detract too much because the songs are long enough to gain their own footing and impress individually. You also feel like you want more after a song finishes, so there is great incentive to keep listening, because you’ll hear more of that beautiful music.

The Evpatoria Report - Taijin Kyofusho

Individual songs are hard to review because of their complexity in the stories they tell, so I’ll refrain from spoiling that for any potential listeners. Suffice it to say that each song plays an important part in the album, and the album is one that is not to be missed.

Their 2003 EP and the first track from this 2005 Golevka album are available for free download from their website, so if you wish to have a sample this is the perfect place to start. The Evpatoria Report also have a second full length album out, called Maar. - - Myspace -

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